Promoting your personal wellness 和 academic success

At UNE COM we recognize that you are as unique as fingerprints, or, 用医学术语来说, those cutaneous ridges on the bulbs of the distal phalanx of our fingers. The osteopathic principles teach us that everything is interconnected, 和, 同样的道理, we acknowledge that you need continuous support to grow academically, 专业, 和个人. 通过坚持这些原则, we promote your personal wellness 和 academic success as you pursue your osteopathic medical degree 和 your passion for practicing medicine.

If you are considering applying to UNE COM, or researching how the program aligns with your present or future goals, 访问我们的 招生页面. There you will gain insight into everything from touring campus, 课程要求, 以及财务援助信息. For an in-depth underst和ing of our academic programs, the 学术课程 details what you can expect from years 1-4 of your medical education.


我是格雷格·加尔苏塔, 23岁


My decision to pursue a career in medicine didn’t arise from a single awe-inspiring event. Instead, it’s a corollary to my passion for both science 和 humanity. Growing up in a small community in the Philippines, I have al方法 looked forward to living life with a purpose 和 knew that I wanted to be in a profession that involves serving other people. Since medicine is the amalgamation of sciences 和 humanities, I knew that this is the path I needed to pursue. 然后我选了B.S. 在移居美国之前,我一直在攻读生物学.S.

Dreamt by many because of the promise of a greener pasture, being an immigrant in this country is not easy. 像大多数移民一样, I’ve experienced cultural 和 language barriers, 偏见, 不得不从头再来. 然而, I’ve also seen great opportunities that this country can offer — great enough to fuel me to strive harder. For a few years, I’ve worked on several minimum wage jobs. I have also worked as a senior caregiver. I was humbled by those insightful experiences. 然后我决定加入美国军队.S. Army to serve this country that I’ve come to love 和 with the hope of fulfilling my dream through the opportunities that it offers. 真正的, it was a transformative experience that made me redefine my own strengths, 方法, 和观点. Moving forward, being accepted as a first-year medical student in UNE COM has been worthwhile. 在UNE . COM, I have learned that building a good doctor-patient relationship creates a major impact when it comes to clinical decision-making. To treat the patient holistically 和 not singly according to labs or imaging, has been UNE COM’s core goal of education. As an aspiring osteopathic physician at UNE COM, I am confident that I will be ready to provide service to those in dire need of medical help, especially with the underserved populations in rural areas. I see myself as a primary care physician willing to choose the path less traveled in the service of other people.

As an aspiring osteopathic physician at UNE COM, I am confident that I will be ready to provide service to those in dire need of medical help, especially with the underserved populations in rural areas.


As a UNE COM student, you have opportunities both in 和 out of the classroom. 你可以选择 参与 in our community to enrich your experiences in the classroom with practical applications. Browse through the list of more than 40 俱乐部和组织 that promote healthy lifestyles, professional growth, 和 ever-lasting friendships.

To aid in successfully maintaining school/life balance, you have access to 学生支援服务 在比德福德校区. Ranging from tutoring to health appointments, 和咨询, we recognize that there are many factors that lead to your success 和 have structured our services based on this belief.

We pride ourselves on being student-centered, student-friendly, 和 family-friendly. As you embark on this new chapter in your life, 我们欢迎你加入我们的家庭, so that when you are here you are home.
